God's Voice in Ocean Wonder, Ruin, and Restoration:
The Call of Faith to Act NOW
As director of the Interfaith Oceans, Lorbiecki shares the delights and the destruction of the oceans. She makes people aware of the sad realities of rising seas and refugees, ocean acidification, plastic trash, human slavery involved with some seafood, the difficult lives of the coastal poor, and the decline in many of our beloved marine species--and what they can do and why.
"Growing Faith in the Oceans' Future:
The Work of Interfaith Oceans"
This speech will energize your church, synagogue, or community in joining the urgent world-wide effort to apply our values to protecting oceans and everyone who lives on the water planet. She explains how Interfaith Oceans is based on shared principles across all major faiths -- and how people are honoring World Oceans Day and speaking out for marine sanctuaries.